History Among Friends Book Talk Series: Dr. Gregory Freeland

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The MoDH and Friends of the Durham Library proudly present a FREE author talk featuring Dr. Gregory Freeland, discussing his book, Music and Black Community in Segregated North Carolina: “It’s all right…”. The event will take place on July 12th, 2024, at 7:00 PM at The Friends of Durham Library’s bookstore, Books Among Friends (3825 S. Roxboro St.).


This event is the fourth in a collaborative series between The Friends of the Durham Library and the Museum of Durham History as part of the Museum’s tenth anniversary programming. Events in this series presented with support from Acme Plumbing.

Gregory Freeland, PhD is the Uyeno-Tseng Professor of Global Studies and Professor in the Department of Political Science for California Lutheran University. Interests are social movement studies, culture and politics in the United States, and International Politics. Classes taught include International Politics, Latin American Politics, and the Civil Rights Movement. Freeland has done faculty development seminars in Tunisia and Rwanda. Publications include Music and Black Community in Segregated North Carolina: “It’s all right…” (2023); co-editor of International Environmental Justice: Competing Claims and Perspectives (2013); Organized and led student travel seminars to Cuba and Jamaica and is currently involved in studying and researching music and politics. Currently serves on Board of Directors Martin Luther King, Jr. Santa Barbara Committee.

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