Thank you Mitch Tuchman!
Posted on November 18, 2019
The Museum of Durham History’s Board of Directors is made up of many dedicated members from Durham’s community who graciously volunteer their time and provide their diverse professional skills to benefit the Museum’s operations.
The Museum staff wants to give a special thanks to long-time board member Mitch Tuchman for his many years of service to not only the Museum, but to the entire community of Durham. We just happened to have some letters laying around that spelled out “HUB” (that once lived on the brick wall facing the downtown loop) which we converted in to an indoor lamp, courtesy of electrician Bryan Dickerson.
Tuchman, an intellectual property attorney at the Morningstar Law Group, served as the Museum’s board secretary and drafted policies that helped shape the foundation of MoDH.Before becoming an intellectual property attorney, Mitch spent ten years as a freelance writer and editor and 14 years as publisher of exhibition and collection catalogues at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Despite a very busy schedule, Tuchman boasts a perfect attendance record for board meetings as well as Museum events. Although Tuchman’s board term officially ended in June 2019, he has continued to support the Museum as an emeritus board member.