Opening Weekend Re-Cap
Posted on April 22, 2021
We had such a great time on Friday evening at our opening reception for our From Tobacco Market to Innovation Hub: Durham’s Central Park Neighborhood exhibit. Folks enjoyed listening to jazz saxophonist Shaquim Muldrow play as well as hearing stories from Vera Whisenton and Dan Jewell as they spoke about the legacy of Durham Central Park.
If you didn’t tune in, you can check out the video from the opening on our Youtube page. You can also see photos from the event in our Facebook album.
Thank you to our staff, volunteers, and visitors for making our first weekend back in over a year safe and fun. We can’t wait to see you at MoDH soon!From Tobacco Market to Innovation Hub: Durham’s Central Park Neighborhood is presented by The Bee Murray Memorial Fund.
With the safe and successful re-opening weekend, we will expand our hours of operation. You can make a reservation to visit us Thursday-Saturday between 10AM-5PM and Sunday 1-5PM:…/museum-of-durham-history…