New Durham A-Z exhibit tips its cap to city’s ‘I’nnovations- opening party Oct. 21
Posted on September 30, 2016
Have you ever had to open a childproof cap or press Control-Alt-Delete on your keyboard?
Have you scanned a UPC at the grocery store?
Are you familiar with the cochlear implant or Astroturf?
How about the headache medicine BC Powder?
They all have roots in Durham. Early in the city’s history, Durham’s tobacco companies were on the leading edge of a new industrial economy in the South. Today area universities, research labs and businesses continue Durham’s legacy of innovation, working to solve some of the world’s biggest problems.
What is Innovation? Find out on Friday, October 21 at 6PM when Durham A-Z: I is for Innovation opens at the MoDH with a party with live music under the gazebo and complimentary refreshments.