Get Involved
Whether through contributions of time, cash or in-kind expertise, your involvement makes it possible for us to open the doors to the Museum of Durham History each day. Here are a few reasons our supporters get involved:

“I feel a sense of ownership in the museum.” Whether you are volunteering, supporting as a member/donor, sponsoring an exhibit, sharing a story in the Story Room or adding your Post-It note to the Tell Us What We Left Out wall, your contribution is essential to building a museum that belongs to the community.

“The MoDH is an inspiration, allowing me to share my passion and learn at the same time.” Volunteers are the engine that drives the museum. Core volunteers staff the front desk and special events and pitch in to help on a regular basis – painting, building, fundraising or developing programs and exhibits.

“I’m fascinated by the changes in Durham.” Your support comes at an important time for the community. As changes continue to transform Durham, the museum is building bridges between the past and the present.