Forest at Duke hosts MoDH
Posted on February 16, 2022
MoDH Executive Director Patrick Mucklow was recently invited to the Forest at Duke to deliver a talk to its residents about the Museum and our current programs. It was Patrick’s first time speaking to a group there since the pandemic started, so it was a welcome opportunity for him to return to the grounds. Special thanks to Anita Holt, President and CEO of the Forest at Duke, for extending the invitation.
The Forest at Duke is a longtime supporter of our mission and has backed such exhibits as 2020’s Votes for Suffrage. Now the Forest, along with the Truist Foundation, helped us launch the 150 Faces of Durham Traveling School Exhibit. And since at least three of the “150 Faces” make their home at the Forest, delving deeper into the exhibit was a focus of the program.
Author Jean Bradley Anderson, Coach Al Buehler, and former Mayor Sylvia Kerckhoff all reside at the Forest at Duke. Coach Buehler’s wife, Delaina, was in the audience, as was former City Council Member Margaret Keller. Patrick also had the pleasure of meeting Ms. Anderson herself, a highlight of the event, and was able to let her know how valuable an educational resource her book Durham County continues to be for local historians. He was even lucky enough to get a picture with her (above).
Interested in having someone from the Museum of Durham History speak to your community group? Drop us a line, we’d like to visit with you!