Category: News

Season’s Greetings from the MoDH!

Happy Holidays from the Museum of Durham History! We hope you and your family are doing well during this trying year. While 2020 has been challenging, shining moments have come through in the innovative ways the Museum has stayed connected with our community through interactive events, multimedia,… Read More

Downtown Volunteer Opportunity

In September, Downtown Durham launced The Streetery!    Through the Streetery, DDI will be opening multiple streets in downtown to pedestrian traffic with festive lights, music and performers sprinkled throughout.   It is DDI’s way of welcoming folks to a safer, socially distanced,… Read More

Thank You MoDH Board Members!

As the Museum of Durham History winds down another fiscal year, we want to take the time to recognize our board of directors for volunteering their service to govern our organization. We appreciate their passion about Durham and its history that they dedicate their time and expertise to share with… Read More

Help MoDH Digitize Exhibits

The current COVID-19 pandemic has forced schools and cultural institutions like the Museum of Durham History to temporarily close their doors and has created a spike in demand for alternative learning resources. We want to bring… Read More

Keeping our visitors and staff safe

The Museum of Durham History  wants you to know we take coronavirus very seriously, and that we are doing everything in our power do to ensure a safe, clean environment for our visitors and staff.  We will be sanitizing our exhibit areas (including touchscreens and listening devices), our children’s… Read More

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