Community Storytelling at Ar-Razzaq Islamic Center
Posted on August 4, 2017
The Museum of Durham History received a grant from the Doris Duke Foundation for Islamic Art to collaborate with current and former members of Ar-Razzaq Islamic Center to develop an educational exhibition on one of the oldest Muslim communities in North Carolina. Over the course of a year, this project will explore the history of Ar-Razzaq and its economic, political, and cultural impact on Durham and the state of North Carolina. It will culminate in an exhibition slated for early 2018. Follow along at
More than 50 people joined the Museum of Durham History at Ar-Razzaq Islamic Center on Saturday for a community history event Memories & Mementos.
Volunteers from the Museum of Durham History, Ar-Razzaq Islamic Center, As Salaam Islamic Center (Raleigh), and Duke Muslim Students Association digitized and documented more than 50 photos, pamphlets, books, letters scrapbooks, school uniforms, and other treasures. We also recorded about 25 stories and memories in audio and video form. Everyone enjoyed bean soup and whole wheat rolls thanks to Beatrice Sabir and Verbina Sabir.
You can check out some photos above and videos below. We’re especially grateful to the Doris Duke Foundation for Islamic Art for their support of this project and also to Story Kiosk for digital equipment.
We hope you will join us on August 19 at 3pm at Stanford L. Warren Library for a presentation on our research so far. More info here.