About - FAQs
Is it the Museum of Durham History or the History Hub?
The Museum of Durham History is an incorporated 501(c)3 with exhibits online, in the community, and in 2013 we opened our public venue: the History Hub. Since then, we’ve noticed some confusion about our name. So, while the spirit of the “Hub” remains part of our mission, and we encourage visitors to see Durham’s many historic and cultural sites, our organization AND our building are now just The Museum of Durham History.
I find it surprising that a museum dedicated to Durham history doesn’t have an exhibit on __________.
The MoDH exhibits rotate very frequently to incorporate as many threads from Durham’s past as possible. The feedback we get from visitors inform the next exhibits on the walls. This includes contributions on the post-it note wall and feedback forms. Thank you for contributing!
Isn’t this kind of small to be a museum?
The MoDH is the perfect size for a young museum, and as Durham grows around us, we find we are outgrowing our space! But we would like to grow organically as we build support. In the meantime, Durham is the museum without walls. We aim to pique your interest and help you explore Durham history within our walls and beyond.
I have some objects you might be interested in. Can I bring them by?
The Museum of Durham History is too small and too new at this time to collect artifacts. Artifact collection requires appropriate storage space, conservation, and professional attention. However, the MoDH has taken several actions to identify and exhibit Durham artifacts. In 2010, a preliminary Artifact Inventory of Durham County was completed. Ninety-eight people and/or organizations were contacted about their materials possessions and a database was created.
Furthermore, since the museum space was leased, there have been several theme-oriented Pop-Up Museums, where people exhibited their objects for a special one-time exhibit. These will continue, some of them on a less theme-oriented basis. We have a record of the artifacts exhibited.
The North Carolina Collection, at the Durham County Library, is the repository for paper materials about Durham’s history, including photographs, family history information, old high school yearbooks, record books from a family business, diaries, and other similar materials. Please contact Lauren Menges at the DCL if you wish to donate papers.
If you have an artifact that you would like to donate, we will gather the information about the artifact (i.e. what it is, who owns it, where it is, photograph of it etc.) and keep that information for possible future use. Give us a call at 919-246-9993 ext. 2 if you have any questions
Do you work with other history organizations?
Yes! See our Community Partners page to see a list of our collaborators.