Call for Stories: Share your Favorite Restaurant Memory
Posted on January 11, 2022
Recognized nationally as “Tastiest Town in the South” and “America’s Foodiest Small Town,” Durham’s culinary culture is an eclectic mix of both traditional and classic southern food as well as international cuisine. MoDH is currently planning an exhibit that will highlight just some of the pioneering restaurants of Durham throughout the 20th century who brought the community together at the table.
We need YOUR help with collecting the memories of Durham residents of their favorite eateries! Do you have a story about the Green Candle, AnnaMaria’s Pizza House (pictured above), or a restaurant no longer around? Have a dish that you’re still dreaming of or a favorite family memory from a local greasy spoon?
Visit our online Story Kiosk to share your story today! Be sure to ask your friends, family, and neighbors to share too!
Here’s a great example from MoDH volunteer Grace Sweeney!
If you have any restaurant memorabilia, menus, photos, or other artifacts to share, please reach out to