Learn - Historic Places in Durham
Bennett Place – State Historic Site
This simple farmhouse was situated between Confederate Gen. Joseph E. Johnston’s headquarters in Greensboro, and Union Gen. William T. Sherman’s headquarters in Raleigh. In April 1865, the two commanders met at the Bennett Place, where they signed surrender papers for Southern armies in the Carolinas, Georgia, and Florida. It was the largest troop surrender of the American Civil War.
Bridging Rails to Trails
A multimedia documentary about the American Tobacco Trail.
Discover Durham
Offers area information, calendar of events and contact information.
Digital Durham
The Digital Durham website offers students, teachers, and researchers a range of primary sources with which they can investigate the economic, social, cultural, and political history of a post-bellum southern community.
Duke Homestead – State Historic Site
The early home, factories, and farm where Washington Duke first grew and processed tobacco.
Durham Maps
North Carolina Maps is a comprehensive, online collection of historic maps of the Tar Heel State.
Durham-Orange Genealogical Society
A nonprofit organization established in 1989 and dedicated to the research and preservation of family history of Durham and Orange counties, North Carolina.
Hayti Heritage Center
The St. Joseph’s Historic Foundation, Inc. (SJHF) founded in 1975 is an African American cultural and educational institution deeply rooted in the historic Hayti community of Durham, North Carolina.
NC Collection, Durham County Library
The primary mission of Durham County Library’s North Carolina Collection is to collect and preserve the history of the city and county of Durham and make it available to the people of Durham County.
North Carolina Mutual Insurance Company
Since its beginning in 1898, North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company has grown to become one of the nation’s most widely-known and successful business institutions.
Old West Durham History
Located near Duke’s East Campus and Ninth Street, Old West Durham is one of the oldest neighborhoods in the Bull City. Previously known as Pin Hook, the area was settled before Durham itself.
Open Durham
An interlinked archive/inventory of information about people, places, and history in Durham, NC.
Preservation Durham
Preservation Durham was founded in 1974 as The Historic Preservation Society of Durham and has since achieved a regional reputation as one of North Carolina’s outstanding historic preservation non-profits.
Historic Russsell Rosenwald School
The Russell Rosenwald School was built in the 1920s to serve African American children in northern Durham County. The two-room, two-teacher building is a good example of the rural schoolhouses built by communities in many segregated southern states with help from the Julius Rosenwald Fund.
Stagville – State Historic Site
Historic Stagville comprises the remnants of one of the largest plantations of the pre-Civil War South.
West Point on the Eno
West Point on the Eno, a natural and historic city park, is located along a two-mile stretch of the scenic Eno River.